Counselling services

What is Counselling? Is it Right for Me?

Simply put, counselling is a safe place where you can explore your throughts and feelings without fear or judgement.

There are many reasons people need counselling from trauma, childhood issues, addiction, mental health issues, domestic abuse, self-esteem issues and more.



My Approach

I take a person focused approach and will work with the many different needs of clients in order to meet them at their level, where they are most comfortable.

I find this to be a much preferred way for people to adjust to being in therapy.

Honest Results

I am fully qualified and insured with a vast range of experience working with clients with issues such as addiction, domestic abuse (victims & perpetrators), eating disorders, trauma, PTSD, anxiety, abuse and neglect and more.


Mental health

Are You Feeling Stuck?

You’re Not Alone. And I’m Here to Help!

I can help you work through any issues you have that are keeping you stuck in certain behaviour patterns.

Through honest communication and support, you can be free of destructive behaviours that have held you in places of pain.


Here is what past clients have to say about working with me

Hi Toni

I would just like to say thank you for our sessions, WHY?

Well here it is, I have been struggling with my gambling addiction for some 40 odd years. 15 years ago I hit my all time low, I lost everything and I mean everything, and nearly my life. I was lucky I had a good family to stand by me, what am I getting at, well I’ve tried Gamblers anonymous for the last 15 years, I’ve been into treatment clinics and one to one sessions but I always go back to gambling and do some more pain and hurt to me and those around me. 9 years ago this November I put down the drink but I’ve always struggled with the gambling, I always been looking for that corner to turn, after our sessions I think I’ve finally found it, I am now nearly 3 months clean and on top of the world looking forward and not back, I would like a meeting with you every now and then as an update to my progress, I would have no hesitation to recommend you to others struggling. Many thanks.


I have worked with Toni on and off for a number of years now. We have sessions as and when I need them at different times in my life and I love that about Toni, she's flexible and works with me and what I need, when I need it.

I find Toni to be extremely caring and genuinely wants to help me on my journey through life. We have worked on many issues that have come up for me and she has always met me where I am and supported me to find my own answers.

I highly recommend Toni as a Counsellor.


Hello my name is Darren, I've known Toni since September 2018 when I first came to portsmouth and Ana treatment centre. Toni was assigned as my counsellor as I felt comfortable opening up to her as I had trust issues with men, due to my up bringing. We hit it off straight away making me able to overcome my anxiety and trust in people in positions of authority. Toni helped me to understand that I was not less of a person which I had come to believe due to my childhood. To have confidence and the ability to express my feelings and emotions and to better myself. We had weekly 1-2-1 sessions where we started looking at my childhood and why I did the things I did, ultimately leading me to turn to drugs, where I had a 24 year addiction with heroin.

During our sessions I learnt about addiction, dealing with feelings and emotions. I found these very helpful and productive, which I now use in my daily living. Toni really helped me, making it easy for me to understand and to be able to trust people. Toni has supported me in every way ever since, even with housing when it came time for me to move on out of supported housing and in to my own flat. We have formed a very strong relationship where I know I could always ask for support and advice and appreciate every bit of guidance she could offer. 


Toni was my counsellor for about six months. She made me feel comfortable and confident to talk, we did a lot of cbt work and one to ones. Toni is very knowledgable and the things i learned with her guidance have helped me get to where I am today. I still use a lot of what Toni taught me and I’m very grateful.

Danny H.

I have to say that after being 26 years in addiction to heroin, plus many other different drugs and losing everything in life, I finally hit rock bottom and went to rehab for my very first time.  In this particular rehab I was lucky enough to meet Toni one of the counsellors there. After I detoxed and my head was clear is where the hard work started but what Toni and other counsellors did is to help us to accept, confront, and understand our demons and why we use drugs in the first place. They helped learn what feelings or things we were trying to ignore or forget in life. In my case, Toni helped me to deal with childhood trauma around my mum which I found very difficult, along with  grieving properly for my beloved dad which was what sent my addiction to the rooftop. Basically the reality is that counsellors like Toni helped to save my life and for that I will be eternally grateful. Many people think that you can detox and that is it you are fine, but without the help  of a counsellor as experienced like Toni there is not much chance of getting clean.


I had counselling with Toni a few years ago and immediately felt comfortable and relaxed Iike I was safe, and felt like I’d known her for years. In my past I’d had a lot of therapy and never got anything from it. In fact, I was put off, but the counselling and support I received from Toni was superb. She was always very professional, open and really made me feel at ease, listening without judgement. She has a deep understanding and is very knowledgeable. It was the first time I’ve ever been able to completely open up. I’ve been able to recover and heal and understand who I am. I’m so grateful for this and it's helped me with understanding my feelings, without getting overwhelmed. I learned so much about myself and am able to live responsibly and believe in myself for the first time ever. My therapy was for very complex issues and I now actually live rather than exist thanks to Toni.

Jade M.

My experience in 1-2-1 counselling with Toni was very rewarding. She made me feel at ease pretty quickly as I was initially full of nerves and anxiety. I felt very safe and was able to open up about things I’d kept to myself for years as not only does she show genuine interest but shows it in a caring way . Which is a quality I don’t see often. I found she really listened to what I was saying which was confirmed whenever I was given feedback as she never seemed to miss anything. I have always had issues trusting people, but with Toni it was different as the way she conducted herself in all aspects and her insight into things that I spoke about, trust was not an issue. I kinda knew early into our 121s that I’d finally found the person that could help me release a lot of baggage and move forward with my life. For me she was brilliant and just what I needed.

Brian, P.

We contracted Toni to complete group therapy and workshops with our residents at our supported living service and she has been a total hit with the residents. They cannot speak more highly about her groups, which are always well attended each week.

Off the back of this we asked Toni to complete reflective practice monthly with our support staff, who again has reported how much they enjoy these sessions and how valuable they find it.

Toni has been a asset in helping run a happy service where both residents and staff feel supported and heard.

Duane, Director RISE.

I completed a period of counselling with Toni, after coming from a life of negative experiences, trauma, distrust, etc, a very colourful past.
One of the first things that surprised me was how friendly, warm and honest she was. This allowed me to become more open and honest within our sessions than I had ever been in my life, and thats when the work started.

I can honestly say going through counselling with Toni was the most loving thing I had ever done for myself and through working on my issues, my life has gone from strength to strength.

Forever grateful to Toni and her wonderful service.


Toni was someone that made me instantly comfortable as she’s so easy to talk to and she’s so supportive. She helped me realise many things about myself whether they were positive or negative traits and she really helped me process a lot of things which would have been a lot harder to process without speaking to her weekly. Without her I maybe wouldn’t have had the support I needed in some of my hardest moments. She is very caring and honest, and I couldn’t recommend her enough. Thank you for all your support Toni and always making me feel like I could get through it and out the other side.
- HB

Admitting I needed help was a big thing for me and prior to my search for a Counsellor, I was told by a friend that it's essential that you feel a positive relationship with your therapist. I felt an instant bond with Toni. She is kind, calm, understanding, supportive, knowledgeable, and so easy to talk to. She offered a free session where I felt totally at ease and there was no pressure for me to continue into paid sessions. She helped me to make some incredible discoveries about myself and due to her great support and encouragement I quickly made some minor changes, which hugely improved my quality of life and benefitted my recovery journey. Toni helped me to accept and come to terms with past trauma, understand my own wants, needs and desires, acknowledge the unnecessary pressure I was putting on myself and to make an exciting plan for my future. Although my journey with Toni has ended for the time being because I've made so much progress in my recovery, I know she is there and willing to help if ever I need her again. Thank you so much Toni!  


Having Toni as my counsellor was one of the biggest gifts of my life. Toni provided me a safe place where session after session I felt more trusting towards Toni and her service. I was able to work on PTSD, child abuse, food addiction and severe isolation from the world and from my own self. Toni never pushed me to say or do anything, instead she allowed me to go as deep into my emotions as I felt comfortable to do so. It was a very painful process but with Toni showing me so much empathy, care and acceptance I felt like being my true self was okay.
My life at the present has taken a complete turn for the better. I no longer live in fighting mode, I have started to rebuild a much better relationship with family and friends. I no longer live in complete isolation and my food addiction is under control.
Can not say good enough of Toni as a counsellor, so the best I can say is the biggest THANK YOU.


Where to start! It's been nearly a year since being completely sober, you helped me through everything and have given me a whole new perspective on life. I genuinely don't know where I'd be with out your help! When I came to you I was at the very bottom, now I couldn't be further from that person. You are one of the most caring people I have ever come across. Thank you!

I am a fully qualified Humanistic & Gestalt Counsellor registered with the BACP.

I am available to see clients in Waterlooville, Hampshire, Romsey Hampshire and also via online zoom meetings. 

I am happy to arrange counselling sessions in your own home if needed.

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Tel: 07391 875835
